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My name is Alexander! I'm a student of business, economics, history, theology, and all things politics. I love to write on the complicated issues of our day through the lens of a conservative, Christian worldview. That's why I started The Reformation Times. I'm an editor, online contractor, and literary service provider. The days are evil and time works against us, so we'll get writing... so you can get reading! Follow my work here on my website:, or on social media:

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​Humble Beginnings


Founded by Reformation Times Editor (current) Alexander Scott, The Portland Post was born in the rural community of Portland Wisconsin. The Portland Post served as a print and online source of local news and conservative opinion.




As the local edition of The Post slowed, Al and his fellow co-founders decided to move the paper to the national stage as (now The Reformation Times). The Portland Post was rebranded as The Reformation Times in 2022 to better appeal to its national and international audience.


Slow but Sure Growth


Today, The Reformation Times has thousands of monthly readers from around the world using its resources to read its daily posts. The Reformation Times may publish under a new name, but our mission remains the same: to reform America through the power of the truth.


Expanding Horizons 


As we continue to grow as writers, editors, publishers, and reformers, we're continually looking to meet the needs of the silent majority in America. Although The Reformation Times' main focus is News Bites, this is also done through our work in online contracting, ministry programs, and other literary services. 


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Our Mission 

The Reformation Times is a news & information site that produces content designed to Reform America by spreading objective truth and conservative opinion. Don't get us wrong, we believe our news is the most objective on the market. But we believe that our nation is broken and in need of reformation. Unlike other conservative news pundits, we believe that the only way to truly change the trajectory of American culture is to change individual hearts and minds with Biblical truth, objective news, and bold, inspired, and often politically incorrect solutions based on America's founding principles of social and economic freedom. Join our mission today and see how your support makes a difference: 


I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.

608-633 4426

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