Everyday on social media, whether through The Portland Post, my own news site Conservative Christian News, my podcast Stefanie's Truth, doing Christian paintings, or by writing books, I am constantly standing up for Christian Values, and for what is right in politics.
I tell people, that a lot of the time, I feel like I am in this fight alone. I ask people why they are not talking about Jesus, when he commands us to do it in the Bible? Most people respond back with, "I do not want to offend anyone." My response to them is always the same. You are willing to send that person to hell because you may possibly "offend" him/her? I then ask, "What if you are the only person that God has appointed to have to speak to this person? What if this person was going to die in a few hours?"
I am always trying to have people see things in a different way. Sometimes, you can change a person's point of view, and they may see things as not so difficult as a Christian, if someone takes the time to show them what the bible says. I will never not take the time to talk to someone about God. You never know how you may change someone's life for the positive. A person may react negatively to you now for talking about God, but as life goes on, they will not forget what you told them, and those words become life to the person. I believe, for some people, it will be in heaven, when we find out all of the lives of people that we made a positive difference in.
Being a Christian is not a spectator sport. We all have a role that God has appointed for us. Some of us may never be pastors, evangelists, teachers, youth leaders, singers, or bible study leaders, but for a church to run smoothly, it takes many jobs that may not be so "graceful" but make all of the difference. Some examples of this are cleaning toilets and taking out the trash, or working in the nursery and changing dirty diapers. You are making a huge difference, even though you may not hear all of the recognition you deserve.
The most important thing is to pray and read your bible, and ask God to show you what your calling is. Maybe you are called to be a pastor or a writer. The more you communicate with God, the more he will communicate with you. Then take what God wants you to do, and do it with all of your might and soul. Don't let any negative comments, that people say to you, stop you. Those are just lies from the enemy trying to distract you. I always say that if no one is complaining about what you are doing as a Christian, then you are probably not doing the right thing. The devil leaves people alone who are not a threat. Get up in the morning and put on the full armor of God, and ask God to get you through the day, with His help. You will feel so great knowing that you are doing God's will for your life.