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Could Biden Actually Finish Part of the Border Wall?

- News & Opinion -

There was a sense of Joy when Washington DC Mayor Muriel Bowser requested help from the National Guard due to the busloads of migrants being shipped to her city.

She stated that Washington DC was at a “tipping point.”

According to CNN, Texas Gov. Abbott has now sent more than 5,100 migrants to Washington DC. Migrants are also being sent from Florida to Delaware by Gov. Ron DeSantis. When these large cities are not affected by the illegal immigrant crisis in this country, let's just say it's easier to make tearing down the wall a campaign promise.

This migrant crisis must be looked at as a national crisis. The influx of migrants is flowing into this country like a faucet on full blast, but the Democrats are in full denial. Solution? Ship them to other--Democrat-run--cities. Only then will they realize the Wall's not a bad idea.

Biden has taken a sharp turn in official opinion regarding the border wall near Yuma, Arizona, where there are four wide gaps, making it “among the busiest corridors for illegal crossings.” Biden had halted all border wall construction after he took office, but now with the immigration crisis turning our county into a disgrace, especially with Kamala Harris in charge of the border, but never actually going to the border.

No one thought Joe Biden would ever consider building the border wall, but here we are, with Joe Biden finishing the work that his predecessor--Donald J. Trump began.



Stefanie Daubert



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