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A Small force of Patriots Shock the Masses, Obliterate Tyranny

Updated: Apr 5, 2022

When General Gage, the commander in chief of the British North American Army, got word that the rebels had a store of powder and arms at Concord, he quietly dispatched his troops to steal it away. Little did he know that this would be the final straw for the rebels. They knew that if the British could take the only means of defense capable of standing up to the weaponry of the British empire, all hope of resistance was gone.

Upon receiving the warning (in the middle of the night) from riders Paul Revere and William Dawes that the British were on their way to Concord to seize the American's stock of weapons, the Lexington militia, led by Captian Jonas Parker, assembled. Cold, outnumbered, and unprepared as they were, about half of the force remained on the battlefield to face the British.

"They fought like warrior poets."

The battle was a loss for the colonists, but their stand slowed the British just enough to give a much larger, more formidable size of colonial reinforcements time to mobilize and get John Hancock and Sam Adams to safety. This militia, consisting of fewer than 100 men, would ultimately be successful in disbanding the British force of over 600 and saving all the American powder and weapons. Their efforts paved the way for the first colonial militia to be born.

Could this happen today?

Conservatives are busy people. We have families to care for, businesses to run, farms that need farming, and a local community that needs leadership. It's understandable, we simply can't get out and volunteer our time to fight every wrong move made by a government, authority, or cultural institution.

But even though we can't die on every hill, there are hills worth dying on and issues worth dying for, and we need to decide which hills and which issues those are. In other words, we need to define our limits. For the patriots in Lexington and Concord, their limit was the thought of handing over their only means of defense and successful rebellion, their guns, to the British. What is it for us? When do we say, "enough is enough," leave our other obligations, even just for a short while, and actually take a real, physical stand against tyranny?

Yes, it could.

The conservative way is not revolution, we already had one of those, it's reformation; a re-formation of American society to what it once was: a free, constitutional Republic. Indeed, our work is even more straightforward than the patriots of old, but our mission is the same. We need not fight a war with guns and ammunition (yet), but instead, we need to fight in the myriad of peaceful ways available to us so that we can avoid a war.

Ultimately, this is why the Reformation Blog, Reformation America, and its related resources now exist (or are coming into existence): To peacefully organize American patriots who already know how to think; Individuals who are grounded in Biblical Truth and the principles of conservatism, who pay attention to the news, and who see society crumbling around us.

Reformation America will be a unique resource for the above individuals to gather together, train, organize, fight back against woke ideology and radical leftism, make a real difference in the culture, and ultimately, start the great American Reformation.

Sick of just reading the news and feeling like you can't do anything about it? You can learn more about our efforts here:



Al K. Scott, Joseph Hugh, Winrich Kniprode, & Sam Morris



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