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An Inside Look at How the Russian People View the Kremlin, and the War

Russia-A story published in March by Current Time News stated, “Many Russians are being fed a daily media diet of Kremlin propaganda that hides the terrible destruction and human cost of their country’s invasion of Ukraine.”

They created a video documenting how ordinary Russians in Perm and Vladivostok reacted when Current Time reporters showed them some of the images coming from Ukraine. Here's the scoop:

The reporters were focusing on this picture, which shows Russian-speaking cities in Ukraine, that have been bombed.

The first woman (shown left) who was shown this picture, refused to even look, even though the reporter explained to her what they were. She did not want to see or hear anything and tried to flee the reporter as quickly as possible.

This man did not care what the pictures showed. He stated, “No one is bombing Kyiv. I don’t believe


This woman stated, “I think Putin is a smart man and knows what he’s doing. So, I don’t feel negative about it. This is what has to be done. That’s my

opinion. We have no impact on this anyway. I don’t like this situation either. Don’t think that we like it. We understand there’ll be sanctions, so it will drain our pockets. There’ll be inflation and unemployment. But it’s probably the way it should be. That’s my opinion. We’ll have to be patient.”

The Video Was Disturbing But Telling

The video was disturbing and very telling. The massive support of the Kremlin by the Russian people is an interesting phenomenon and one that explains Russia’s uncanny boldness on the world stage.

Nationalism? Sure. Patriotism? Maybe. But the likely scenario is that the Russian people are fed so much propaganda on a daily basis that they have no concept of what is real anymore.

Experts all agree, both on the left and the right, that the Russian invasion is a failure. Russian soldiers are destroying their own equipment, and top military personnel are afraid to tell Putin that they are not winning this war like he thinks they are.

And because of this failure, the Russian forces are now resorting to the most brutal tactics, leaving NATO nations no choice but to accuse the Kremlin of committing heinous war crimes.



Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty. Video originally published at


Stefanie Daubert




Apr 06, 2022

Truth is always the first casualty of war.


Alexander K. Scott
Alexander K. Scott
Apr 05, 2022

Very interesting read, thanks for the submission, Ms. Daubert.

Apr 05, 2022
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Glad you liked it!

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