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Biden's Gaffes During Trip to Europe Threaten Disaster for U.S. Foreign Policy


President Biden’s recent trip to Europe was a disaster. Not only did he upset Putin and Zelensky, he also upset the whole of the U.S. government--Democrats and Republicans alike. There were several moments that combined to create this "disaster," but the most significant of them came when President Biden said that President Putin "cannot remain in power." Apparently calling for a regime change, which is in direct conflict with official U.S. foriegn policy.

After Peter Doocey (Fox News) asked him if he would walk back his statement, Mr. Biden said that he would not, and instead, he simply redefined what his statement meant. This happened after the White House had already walked the Presidents statements back. However, the most disastrous moment came when the President stated that if Putin were to use chemical weapons in Ukraine, the U.S. would respond "in kind." Usually, responding "in-kind" means that one will respond to an action by acting in the same way as the aggressor. If the U.S. used chemical weapons against any nation, it would violation of international law. Yeah, Mr. Biden and the world definitely would have been better off if he had stuck to his notecards...

Photo obtained by Fox News of Biden holding up note cards during a press briefing.



Stefanie Daubert




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