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BREAKING: Terrorists Massacre Christian Churchgoers

Terrorists on motorbikes murdered Christian churchgoers in Nigeria on Sunday, leading the government to fund attempts to hunt down the attackers and bring them to justice.

According to The Daily Wire, the terrorists rode up on motorcycles and began shooting and using explosives on churchgoers in Owe, Nigeria, in what can only be described as an evil attack.

Reuters reported, “A doctor at a hospital in Owo told Reuters that at least 50 bodies had been brought in to two hospitals in the town from the attack... The doctor, who declined to be named because he is not authorized to speak to the press, also said there was a need for blood donations to treat the injured.”

Editor's Note: 

As Christians, we are called to pray on the behalf of brothers and sisters in Christ around the world. We should be engaged in this act often, but what better time to add this to your schedule than after such a horrific act of murder and violence against fellow Christians in Nigeria. Let this be a reminder of the peace and prosperity that we enjoy here in the U.S., as well as a call to action for the church to always support our brothers and sisters in prayer. 

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Contributing Author(s)

Al Scott, Sam Morris

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Ian Freeze
Ian Freeze
19 giu 2022

We have been far too lenient on terrorism. Christians in areas that face persecution MUST unite to defend themselves

Mi piace
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