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BRUTAL: Canadian Crackdown Becomes New Tiananmen Square

Updated: Feb 19, 2022

After Canadian Prime Minister Justine Trudeau invoked new emergency powers to quell the peaceful trucker demonstrations in Ottawa, frightening images of just how brutal this crackdown really was began leaking out.

Above is a depiction of Canadian mounted police trampling an elderly lady in the streets of Ottawa.

Here is the graphic video:

The reports coming from the U.S.'s sister nation have been dismal. Families separated, credit cards and crypto wallets frozen, and demonstrators, no matter how peaceful, arrested.

“Consider yourselves warned,” Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland told the “Freedom Convoy” members.

“If your truck is used in these blockades, your corporate accounts will be frozen. The insurance on your vehicle will be suspended. Send your rigs home,” Freeland added.

Freedland spoke no such words to BLM protestors and rioters over the summer of 2020 or at any time during 2021 left-wing demonstrations.


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Saturdays Trending Tweets:

After this sinister crackdown on Freedom Convoy organizers and peaceful demonstrators, people began comparing it to the events that happened in Tiananmen square.

Trending right alongside "Trudeau Tyranny" was tweeted "Tiananmen Square."

Here are some of the most notable tweets from Saturdays tend:



Al K. Scott



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