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Damning Report Shows Biden's Poll Numbers Are Dropping To A New Low:

Alexander K. Scott

According to The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll, 41% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Biden’s job performance. Fifty-seven percent (57%) disapprove.

This news breaks as bad policy and political weakness coming from the White House has led to numerous disasters which have been plaguing the Biden Administration for the last two years.

The stock market is down to an unprecedented low, inflation is up to a 40-year high, the risk of a recession is at an all-time high, 28% according to a WSJ report, war has broken out in Ukraine, and that's just the bad news for the first quarter of 2022.

Experts are suggesting that as the news coming both nationally and internationally continues to look bad for Joe Biden, his poll numbers will only continue to fall.

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Al K. Scott


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