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Elon Musk Promotes Pro-USA Industrialism Ahead of Mexico Deal

Noah Yates

- News -

Elon Musk proudly talked up his company’s factory presence north of the border, tweeting this week that “Teslas are the most made-in-USA vehicles.”

A green highway sign welcomes friends of an American company in an instantly recognizable font: TESLA.

At a remote Mexico border crossing a few miles upriver from Laredo, Texas is Nuevo Leon. Elon Musk moved his headquarters to Austin from Silicon Valley, Elon Musk’s firm has struck a deal with one of Mexico’s most pro-business states

Ivan Rivas, the economy minister of Nuevo Leon stated in an interview “What we want is a crossing that’s much more expedited and efficient. And maybe there will be a lane for other companies in the future like there is for Tesla.”

Suppliers for Tesla Inc. now have a dedicated lane at the Colombia Solidarity checkpoint to speed up the crossing, said Rivas.



Noah Yates


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