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Federal Judge Blocks Biden's Vaccine Mandate

The Ruling:

A federal judge issued a nationwide block against the Biden Administration's mandate that millions of healthcare workers get vaccinated against Covid-19.

The ruling was issued by Judge Terry Doughty who said that there was no question that mandating the vaccine for healthcare workers should be left up to Congress.

The Judge sided with the plaintiffs who argued CMS’ policy was “arbitrary and capricious.”


The injunction applies to 40 states. A Federal judge in Missouri temporarily blocked the CMS vaccine mandate in the other 10 states last Monday. (3) The other 10 states who filed suit against the Federal Government earlier in November

According to the Wall Street Journal, "The mandate, issued by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, required all workers at facilities participating in Medicare and Medicaid to get their first shot of the vaccine by Dec. 6 and to have both shots by Jan. 4. The facilities risked losing federal funding if they didn’t comply."

Judge Doughty stated, “... it is important to preserve the status quo in this case. The liberty interests of the unvaccinated requires nothing less.” (4)

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Al Scott, Joseph Hugh



(1) Kusisto, Laura. "Judge Temporarily Blocks Biden Vaccine Mandate." The Wall Street Journal, Nov. 2021

(2) Walsh, Joe, "Judge Halts Biden’s Covid Vaccine Mandate For Healthcare Workers Nationwide." Forbes, Nov.30 2021

(3) Walsh, Joe, "Judge Halts Biden’s Covid Vaccine Mandate For Healthcare Workers Nationwide." Forbes, Nov.30 2021

(4) Kusisto, Laura. "Judge Temporarily Blocks Biden Vaccine Mandate." The Wall Street Journal, Nov. 2021



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