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Gavin Newsom Faces Recall, Tuesday

California voters will decide today, Tuesday, Sep. 14 whether or not Gavin Newsom will be the second CA governor to be recalled in American history.

The election takes place today, but early voting has been taking place for weeks after 20 million voters were mailed ballots under new laws adapted during the pandemic.

The Governor is being recalled due to his handling (or mishandling) of the CA Covid-19 lockdowns. Many of which have been the most severe and long last in the US.

Republican candidates, one of them being responsible to take over the remainder Gavin Newsome's term should the recall be effective, ran on promises of greater freedom and personal liberty.

Mr. Newsom, on the other hand, campaigned not so much on his own policies but with the simple cry to "Stop the Republican Recall!"

In a state where Democrats outnumber republicans 2-1, it had seemed impossible for a successful recall; however, early poles showing (in some cases) up to 52% support for the recall effort suggested voters may have been ready for a change.


Al Scott



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