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Talbletalk Magazine - Review: The Intelligent, Reformed Devotional

Alexander K. Scott

- An informed and to-the-point review of the devotional magazine, Tabletalk. -

Looking for a daily devotional slash reformed, theological magazine? TableTalk might just be the resource for you. Interested in what TableTalk has to offer? Keep reading! Want some helpful recommendations for alternative resources? I'll share some of those as well.

As A Magazine: First Impressions

As a magazine, TableTalk simply does not fit the mold of what we would consider a "magazine" in modern-day America. Of course, its regularity (TableTalk is published once a month.) helps it fit the mold to an extent, but its essay-length articles, written long before each issue is published, and its academic style make it feel like more of a theological booklet.

It doesn't quite have the cozy or current feel that most magazines do, but the content is of the highest quality, and frankly, it's something that we could use more of in this day and age.

As a Regular Source of Devotion: Tested and Tried

I have personally regularly studied alongside of the daily devotionals provided by Tabletalk magazine, and they are the best I have discovered--for my own needs--to date. They are short (one, small page covering 1-2 verses every day, to be exact), but are packed with theological insight and include information that would generate longer study and more reading if one wished.

TableTalk is less engaging than some devotionals, but it includes a small application section titled "Coram Deo" that is strongly connected with the text studied.

Pros and Cons

Tabletalk magazine can benefit the average Christian looking for a brief, theological sound, daily Bible study. It also does a nice job of providing interesting, mid-sized topical essays for the magazine's featured stories.

However, those looking to dig a little deeper in their daily study, or to find more relevant or engaging Christian news, may want to turn somewhere else. For a more relevant news and commentary magazine, I would highly recommend World Magazine ( For in-depth study, you could start by turning to our weekly study in the Book of Romans! (CLICK HERE)

TableTalk: The Final Score

I've been reading and benefiting from TableTalk for years. I've had the chance to see its design and content improve and change, but its mission and overall goal has never wavered: To awaken and inform the Church, on a monthly and daily basis, of the holiness of God and the riches of His word.

For a theological rating, I'd give it a 10/10. Price-wise: 8/10. (Most devotionals and magazines are significantly more expensive.) Content-wise: 6/10. Again, it's not quite a magazine, but it's not quite a full-fledged devotional.

Interested in more about TableTalk Magazine? Visit their website here:

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