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GOP Caves, Gives Supreme Court Nominee Easy Pass to the Bench

Updated: Mar 29, 2022

Thanks to Republican Senators, Judge Katanji Jackson, who wrapped up her testimony earlier last week, is now on track to receive a vote early next month, where she is almost sure to be confirmed.

The Controversy...

Ten out of 11 Republicans on the Judiciary Committee originally signed a letter on the 23rd requesting that confirmation hearings be adjourned until certain legal documents of interest, regarding Ms. Jackson's records in child pornography cases, were disclosed to the committee. This is according to a Wall Street Journal report.

The Judiciary Committee chair Dick Durban (D.) declined the request, saying that the information could harm innocent third parties.

After the request to adjourn was declined, multiple Republicans including Sen. Tom Tillis of North Carolina (R.) and Josh Howley (R. Mo.) threatened to not participate in the Judiciary Committee vote, which would have held up Judge Jackson's almost sure confirmation to the Supreme Court.

On Thursday the 24th, however, several of the Republicans who signed the letter agreed to not hold up the process with any such boycott. Senators Howley and Tillis both agree to go along with the majority consensus.

Judge Jackson is set for a committee vote as soon as March 29th, according to people familiar with the issue.



Al K. Scott, Sam Morris




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