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Group of Republican Senators Turn On Base, Support Gun Restrictions

After Tuesday's mass shooting where an 18-year-old managed to enter an elementary school fourth-grade classroom and open fire with a legally purchased AR-15, a bipartisan group of senators have begun the quest to pass legislation aimed at curbing gun violence in the United States.

According to a report by Breitbart, Republican Senator Mitch McConnell specifically requested that Senator Cornyn work with Sens. Chris Murphy (D-CT) and Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ) to “find a consensus on some legislation to respond to the shooting in Texas,” CNN reported.

“I’ve encouraged him to talk to Sen. Sinema, Sen. Murphy, and others who are interested in trying to get an outcome that’s directly related to the problem,” Mitch McConnell said, “I am hopeful that we could come up with a bipartisan solution that’s directly related to the facts of this awful massacre.”

McConnell's stance on the issue goes directly against the mainstream conservative agenda, which seeks not only to protect guns in the hands of law enforcement and law-abiding citizens but to expand gun rights across the U.S.

As conservative commentators and criminal analysts argue, school teachers, private citizens, and security officials need to be better equipped to deal with these types of situations--in other words: given better access to firearms and better training on how to properly use them.

This argument comes as law enforcement in the U.S. has never been more poorly equipped to deal with violent crimes.

This, coupled with the fact that violent crime rates are running at all-time highs in democrat-run states and cities, gives this line of thought serious ground in the larger discussion.

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Al K. Scott, Sam Morris

A Note From the Editorial Board:

The safety of our children is paramount, and if we really care about life, what we need is more guns, not less. More guns in the hands of law enforcement and law-abiding citizens, more constitutional carry states, and less regulation on where a vetted individual can carry their firearm.
This logic is tested, with those areas operating under constitutional carry laws often having significantly lower rates of violent crimes, despite a higher concentration of armed individuals. Criminals will always commit crimes, and criminals will always obtain firearms illegally. The path forward is clear: fewer criminals and more guns in the hands of law-abiding citizens who will stop them.

- Al K. Scott, Joseph Hugh, Scott Lee, Sam Morris




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