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It's On You, Mr. President

Officials Blame the Afghanistan Crisis on the Commander in Chief


Over the last several weeks political leaders have largely placed the blame on Joe Biden for the Crisis that has unfolded in Afghanistan.

Amid claims from the White House that “everything is under control” and, “They [the Taliban] are cooperating.” New Jersey Democrat Tom Malinowski said, “There still seems to be a disconnect between assertions of massive progress in Washington and what I’m hearing from almost everybody concerned in Kabul.”

In his most recent statement former president Donald Trump, when asked about the Biden Administrations recent attempts at blaming the crisis on the Trump administration, said that Joe Biden should, “…resign in disgrace for what he has allowed to happen to Afghanistan… it’s not that we left, it’s the grossly incompetent way that we left.” according to an Epoch Times report on Aug. 18. (1)

Rep. Kevin McCarthy, during a recent press conference said, “Frankly, this isn’t the tested leadership the president promised, [this] is a picture of weakness and incompetence. To be Commander in Chief, you need the faith, trust, and confidence of the American Public, President Biden lost all three of those…” (2)

Dr. R. Albert Mohler Jr. a reigning evangelical intellectual, said in the 8/31/21 edition of his daily podcast The Briefing, “[We see] the victory of the Taliban, we saw the humiliation of the United States, and we've discussed very directly the responsibility of our Commander in Chief.”

SC Republican Lindsey Graham simply said on Fox News’ Sean Hannity, regarding Afghanistan, “…He [Joe Biden] should be impeached.” (3)

Let us all add to that voice, Joe Biden is at fault for the lives and resources lost in Afghanistan. The standard is not perfection; indeed, a President should not even be expected to immediately right all the wrongs of a previous administration. However, what has happened in recent weeks was not only obviously futile but simply avoidable.

The handling of the US retreat from Afghanistan has shamed America, yes, but even worse it has taken a needless and deadly tole on the lives of American Soldiers. It is for that reason that The Portland Post is calling on the 46th president of the United States, Joseph R. Biden, to resign or be removed from his office as President of The United States.

- The Portland Post Editorial Board -


Research for Yourself:

4. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said a full withdrawal wouldn’t provide insurance against instability, also according to a Wall Street Journal report.

5. Amid claims such as, ‘there was no way to successfully leave Afghanistan’ by the Biden Administration, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Army Gen. Mark Milly said that “he urged Mr. Biden to keep a force of about 2500 troops while seeking a peace agreement to help maintain stability.” According to a Wall Street Journal report on August 26.1


3 comentários

Sam Morris
Sam Morris
05 de set. de 2021

Resign NOW, Mr. President. It happened under your watch.


Ashleigh London
Ashleigh London
05 de set. de 2021

The withdrawal wasn't perfect but Biden was kept out of transition by Trump and the transfer of intelligence briefings, Trump administration made a deal with the Taliban that left out Afghans, released thousands of Taliban prisoners, and drastically reduced the troops we had there. I don't think this is all on Biden.. it's apparent that there are actions from previous administration that had affects on the withdrawal.

Sam Morris
Sam Morris
05 de set. de 2021
Respondendo a

Yes, there very well may have been mistakes made by the previous administration, but if you read the article, I think Al does a pretty good job of clarifying this issue.

I do not believe that it is %100 Joe Bides fault, in fact, I highly doubt whether he knows what happened. But he is the president, the Commander in Chief of the most powerful nation on earth. He must take the blame and the responsibility.

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