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Kamala Harris Advances Assault Rifle Ban In The U.S.

The sitting U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris, a Democrat, called for a complete ban on "assault weapons" at the funeral of Ruth Whitfield, 86, killed in a Buffalo supermarket on May 14.

“On the issue of gun violence, I will say, as I’ve said countless times, we are not sitting around waiting to figure out what the solution looks like. You know, we’re not looking for a vaccine,” Breitbart reported Harris told a group of reporters,

“We know what works on this. It includes, let’s have an assault weapons ban​,” she said.

“Everybody’s got to stand up and agree that this should not be happening in our country,” Kamala finished selling the unrealistic proposal to reporters, according to the Guardian.

The two most recent incidences of mass gun violence in the U.S., the Buffalo NY shooting and the Uvalde Texas school shooting, have received universal condemnation from those on both sides of the political aisle. With both sides recognizing that things went seriously wrong at the Uvalde elementary school.

Where the right and the left often differ in opinion is on the question of how exactly the right way to fix those things, mend broken systems and prevent similar events from happening again.

As is often the case, activists on the left are exploiting the issue and calling for stricter gun legislation. Activist groups on the right, including the NRA and many notable Republican officials, have argued that these calls are irrational and based on emotion, not the statistical data. This data clearly shows not only how ineffective gun harsh restrictions are in preventing crime, but shows that in areas with a higher concentration of legally armed citizens, violent crime rates are the lowest.

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