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Lauren Boebert Apologizes for Pitching Rep. Ohmar as a Suicide Bomber

Updated: Dec 1, 2021

GOP Rep. Lauren Boebert apologized to Muslims on Friday for a joke pitching Democrat Rep. Ilhan Omar as a suicide bomber.

Ms. Boebert said she was getting into an elevator when an officer ran toward her with "fret on his face" but the elevator doers closed before he could get there.

Congresswomen Boebert said she saw Ms. Ohmar in the elevator and thought, "Well, she doesn't have a backpack, so we should be ok."

"Well, she doesn't have a backpack, so we should be ok."

She than looked at Rep. Ohmar and continued, "Oh look, the Jehad squad decided to show up today."

Ms. Ohmar said that the story fueled Muslim bigotry and endangered her personality.

Here is Ms. Boebert's response:


The Conservative Take.


Though the remarks made by the Colorado representative are relatively senseless and accomplished little to advance the conservative-American ideology, they are certainly not as out of place as the legacy media would like to believe.

It is a fact that the religion of Islam, the religion of a Muslim, is a dangerous and murderous religion. Simply from reading the Quran one can find passages commanding Muslim men to engage in holy war against the "infidel," which is one who holds to the Christian faith. This reality was felt by Americans in an extremely painful way when two commercial airliners were hijacked by Muslim extremists and crashed into the World Trade Center during the most deadly terrorist attack in American history.

These men where extremists in the sense that very few Muslim take their religion seriously enough to engage in this kind of terrorism, but as far as the Quran is concerned, the men who committed those acts where fulfilling their calling to the fullest extent.

With this in mind, some anti-Muslim sentiment among the average American is to be understood--but not necessarily condoned. As conservatives, we need to be anti-terror. This may mean being anti-Muslim at times, because the Muslim religion teaches and encourages terrorism on a frequent basis. But when you associate someone with terrorism, you must be willing and able to back up that claim with real evidence.



Al K. Scott



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