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MAJOR ANNOUNCEMENT: The Portland Post Is Rebranding As "The Reformation Times"

- Announcement -

NEW site domain:

A note from the editor:

As you may already know, The Portland Post has humble roots. Founded as a local conservative news pundit in the rural Wisconsin township of Portland, we tried making local, casual, conservative news something accessible to the public. Today, The Portland Post has thousands of monthly readers from around the world using the resources of our site and reading our daily posts. As a team, we have decided to rebrand The Portland Post as The Reformation Times ( name that we feel more clearly identifies our mission to become a national voice of reformation in America through the presentation of hard facts and conservative, Christian opinion & commentary.

We will not be changing our mission, team, or our content. In fact, we will only be working to make it better. We hope that as The Reformation Times (formerly The Portland Post) grows, you will be increasingly informed and inspired by our mission and our content. Some of our initiatives include expanding the size, amount, and distribution of our news and commentary.

On top of what we've already been doing with The Portland Post, our goal with The Reformation Times will be to not only inform America with facts and informed opinion but to train Americans in the art of reformation: A re-forming of American culture to its founding principles of absolute truth and social and economic freedom. We will aim to do this by creating resources that provide real-life solutions to real-life problems such as the secularization of the culture, rising economic uncertainty, and socialism within the American government.

Pre-subscribe today to secure your spot as a Reformer on our sponsor board, and be the first to get access to Reformation Times exclusive content. Subscribe today: SUBSCRIBE HERE We will be announcing more updates shortly!

NOTE: Subscribers who purchased premium subscriptions to The Portland Post will have their subscriptions carried over to their equivalents on The Reformation Times. The monthly cost of those premium subscriptions will not change at all for participants who purchased the plans on The Portland Post.

NOTE: All programs with participants--including our Contributor+ program--will remain in full effect; furthermore, if we do change them, we plan to upgrade them.

If you have any questions about our site, content, mission, or programs, please do not hesitate to contact us here: and have your message forwarded to my desk.

Thank you for your support,

- Al Scott

Editor in Chief of

The Portland Post/The Reformation Times



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