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McCarthy Reveals Careless Betrayal of President Trump on Jan. 6 Recording

Updated: Apr 26, 2022

House Republican leader Kevin McCarthy indicated that he planned to urge the then-president Trump to resign following the Jan. 6th protest.

This news was made public when the audio recording was reported on by the New York Times on Thursday.

According to a report by Just the News, the recording is of a House Republican conference call after the riot, which Trump critics say he incited, and before House and Senate impeachment votes that could have removed him from office.

In the recording, Rep. McCarthy states,

"I think this [impeachment] will pass, and that would be my recommendation: You should resign. That would be my take, but I don't think he would take it, but I don't know," he said.

The news of then-House Speaker McCarthy coming out and blaming President Trump for the riotous behavior that took place on Jan. 6th shocked the Republican base due to the current unpopularity of that position.

Even after Mr. McCarthy denied the claims, he still drew harsh criticism from the right.

It has long been understood that the majority of protestors in attendance on January 6th were indeed peaceful protestors.

It has also been understood that only a few hundred members of the crowd, estimated to have numbered around a quarter-million, engaged in unlawful behavior.

It was recently discovered by investigative reporters and journalists that a great majority of the violence was encouraged by leftist activists, even those associated with groups such as Black Lives Matter.

Mr. Trump's exact recommendation when he directed the protest "make [their] way to the capital" was to "Peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard."

"Peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard."

There is no evidence that Mr. Trump incited violence and neither criminal nor civil charges have been pressed against him for his actions on Jan. 6th.



Al K. Scott



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