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Omicron is Estimated to Account for 73% of U.S. Covid Infections, Yet it Poses Little Threat

Press Release:

It is now estimated by the CDC that the Omicron Variant accounts for 73% of US Covid-19 cases. (1)

Omicron has shown itself to be slightly more contagious, but much more mild than other viruses, often inflicting only a cough and runny nose on its patients--if even that. This was made clear by South African doctors as well as the CDC. (2)

Yes, Omicron can re-infect patients much like the seasonal flu, but much like the seasonal flu, it poses little threat to the greater population.

It is now clear the real danger comes when the government steps in and tries to do the impossible: stopping the spread of coronavirus. The new normal is Covid, and it doesn't look like it's going away. So, we better just get used to it.



Al K. Scott -- The Portland Post News Division



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