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POLL: Trump Remains America's Most Favorable Politician: See Who Got Second!

Updated: Jul 12, 2022

- News & Commentary -

The most recent Harvord Herris Poll primarily showed , among other things, that Americans remain increasingly opinionated when it comes to politics.

This showed when participants were polled on which politician they viewed as most favorable. Possible answers ranged from very favorable to very unfavorable and included everything in between.

According to the poll, a large portion of Americans feel that their economic position is worsening, are pessimistic about life in the next year, and feel that the country is severely "off track." Check for yourself.

And when it came to favoring (or not favoring) political candidates, Americans were no less harsh. According to Harvard Harris, Congressional approval is at an all-time low of 28%, and Joe Biden's White House is at a new low of in the '30s.

When those polled were asked which politician they viewed most favorably, Trump took a strong positive lead, with respondents either loving him--or hating him.

In second place came Communist Bernie Sanders, ironically much more popular than his friend Vladimir Putin, who took last place with a 63% strongly unfavorable rating.

Interestingly, Republican Ron DeSantis had the second-highest "strongly favorable" rating, blowing right by Bernie Sanders or any other Democrat, but came in just behind Sanders with overall approval or unopinionated responses.

Republican Mike Pence and his great grandfather Benedict Arnold tied for second place, with respondants having mixed feelings and giving mixed reviews.

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Al K. Scott



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