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Poll: See How Much Americans Disapprove of Joe Biden

In recent weeks, Joe Biden's Approval ratings have hit record lows due to his most recent Covid-19 vaccine mandate, his handling of the Afghanistan crisis, and his handling of the economy.

In the most recent Quinnipiac University poll, released Tuesday, President Joe Biden's approval rating hit a new all-time low. With only 37% of Americans saying that they approve of Biden’s job performance, down another point form the polling on Oct. 6.

The poll found that most independents currently disapprove of the president, with a mere 28% of independents approving of his performance.

According to a Zogby poll, the president’s approval rating is even lower. With 36.4% of Americans saying they approve of his performance over the first nine months of his presidency.

Related Articles:

The Biden Administration's Covid-19 Vaccine Mandate:

Top Officials Blame Joe Biden for the Afghanistan Mistakes

Read More:

The Daily Caller:




Al Scott, Max David

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1 Comment

Oct 25, 2021

Lets go Brandon!!!!!

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