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Quickly Read The Most Important News This Week - The Post Weekly - May 29, 2022

This is The Post Weekly—a summary of the most important news and events regarding conservatism and Christianity in America.

Horrific Details of Texas Shooting Spark Debate Over Gun Control

A mentally ill, seriously deranged, and armed 18-year-old entered an elementary school in Uvalde, Texas, and shot at least twenty people, including 18 children on Tuesday. According to reports, family and former friends of the gunman said he had a history of irrational and violent behavior. The teenager legally purchased the AR 15 rifle used in the attack and passed the background check before purchasing the weapons.

As is often the case, activists on the left are exploiting the issue and calling for stricter gun legislation. Activist groups on the right, including the NRA and many notable Republican officials, have argued that these calls are irrational and based on emotion, not the statistical data. This data clearly shows not only how ineffective harsh gun restrictions are in preventing crime, but shows that in areas with a higher concentration of legally armed citizens, violent crime rates are the lowest.


SBTS President, Al Mohler Responds To Abuse Allegations In The Southern Baptist Convention

After reports were issued on Sunday by the AP indicating that the Southern Baptist Convention Executive Committee inappropriately handled sexual abuse and misconduct allegations by "survivors and concerned Southern Baptists," Southern Baptist Theological Seminary President, world-renown Intelectual, author, and podcaster Albert Mohler responded to the controversy on his daily podcast, "The Briefing" early Monday morning.

"I'm speaking today at one of the most difficult moments ever experienced by my beloved denomination, the Southern Baptist Convention. Considering the historical roots of the SBC, that's actually quite a statement, but it's true." Mr. Mohler said to his listeners.


Russian Orthodox Church Supports Putin's War Efforts

According to a Wall Street Journal report, the leader of the Russian Orthodox Church delivered a sermon Sunday endorsing Russian President Vladimir Putin's war in Ukraine.

This took place the same day new details emerged regarding recently committed Russian war crimes in Ukraine: these were strongly condemned by the U.S. and other Nato allies.

Editors Note: To be clear, the Russian Orthodox Church hardly resembles a true Christian church. Essentially, it has become an extended arm of the Russian state. The church does not base its doctrine on sola scripture, and thus bears no affiliation with mainstream orthodox Christian churches and denominations.  - Al Scott 

Group of Republican Senators Turn On Base, Support Gun Restrictions

After Tuesday's mass shooting where an 18-year-old managed to enter an elementary school fourth-grade classroom and open fire with a legally purchased AR-15, a bipartisan group of senators have begun the quest to pass legislation aimed at curbing gun violence in the United States.


(Study) Americans Are Wasting 1300 Hours A Year Doing This:

Last year, driven partially by increased seclusion due to lockdowns and pandemic worries, Americans spent an average of 1300 hours on social media last year, according to a study from Uswitch.

The Science is Now Clear: Fewer Covid Restrictions = Less Death, a Better Economy, and Better Education

But a newly released study by the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER), a study hailed by The Wall Street Journal as, "The most comprehensive, comparative study we've seen to date," gives us a clear picture of which states and corresponding policies outperformed others. Let's take a quick look.

This study shows the top 10 and the bottom 10 performers in the nation measured by the economy, education, and mortality.

Some of the most interesting data points include the fact not only that the Ron Desantis (hailed as Governor Deathsantis for opening up Florida early) led Florida to rank significantly better than liberal states like California in the areas of education and economy, but that it even outperformed them even in Covid mortality rates.

To be specific, regarding the Covid mortality rate, Florida ranked 28 in Covid mortality, and California ranked 27. Both being heavily populated states, this statistic essentially shows that every "emergency" act made by the CA government is useless--or at least not worthy of the title "emergency" act.

For more info, or to read how the data exactly played out, we would strongly urge readers to continue reading HERE.


Top Contributors This Week:

Sam Morris, Mary Hugh, Max David, Joseph Hugh, Trevor Allen, Al K. Scott, Stephanie Daubert, Ian Freeze, and Scott Lee

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