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Rand Paul Has a Plan For Fouci...

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Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul (R.) sent a letter Tuesday to the National Institute of Health (NIH) calling on them to preserve secret documents and communications possessed by Fauci himself that were an integral part of his tenure at the NIH. This was according to a report by The Daily Caller.

In the letter, first obtained by the Daily Caller, Paul called the NIH to preserve his records specifically, in a likely attempt to hold the fleeing government official accountable even after he retires from his current post.

Skeptics of Fouci's convenient decision to retire have pointed out that his decision may be strategic, and that he believes republicans will take back the House and the Senate in the 2022 midterms, in which case he would almost certainly be investigated for multiple shady dealings.

According to The Daily Caller, the data within the information that is being requested relates to COVID-19 or to coronavirus research conducted by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), which Fauci has headed since 1984.

Fouci denied having participated in gain-of-function research in Wuhan, only to have doubt cast upon his remarks by numerous other reports. This is likely what the Republicans will go after should they make investigating Fouci a priority come 2023.

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Al Scott



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