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Read The Most Important News Headlines Last Week - The Post Weekly - June 4, 2022

This is The Post Weekly—a summary of the most important news and events regarding conservatism and Christianity in America.

Joe Biden Was Caught on Camera Saying Your "Rights Aren't Absolute”

Joe Biden addressed the nation Thursday evening to talk about stripping gun owners' rights following the Uvalde Texas shooting.

However, after assuring gun owners that it was "not about taking guns," he continued to state that rights were not absolute and that he wanted to take guns--capable of adequately defending life--away from law-abiding citizens.

He continued, "At the same time, the Second Amendment, like all other rights, is not absolute." READ MORE

Classrooms Empty Across the U.S. Causing Large Cuts in School Budgets

Just as public schools across the U.S. are fully reopening their doors, huge percentages of students are not returning to class.

The consequences of this massive drop in enrollment include significant budgetary difficulties for major schools across the U.S.

Why Are Kids Leaving Schools?

Many analysts have attributed the lack in public school attendance to pandemic-related fears, but this is likely only part of the cause. READ MORE

An Election Was Just Rigged In Hong Kong, Who's to Say it Couldn't Happen Here?

The Scoop: Ohn Lee, 64, just won the Hong Kong chief executives "race" on May 8th, receiving well over 95% of the votes cast in the election.

According to World Magazine, critics view Lee's win as Bejing's "thinly-veiled appointment." World reported that China recently imposed an electoral overhaul to ensure that only true "patriots" could get win in any major political race in Hong Kong. READ MORE

OPINION: America's Future Is In The Hands of Troubled Boys

As the smoke clears surrounding the Uvalde Texas elementary school shooting, many things that went wrong should stand out to us. One of these things is the fact that the shooter, who shall remain nameless, was only 18-years old. READ MORE

The Portland Post Launches List of Courses Under "Reformation America"

Planning a small business? Looking to get into journalism and online political commentary? Have you been meaning to work out and start a diet, but haven't had the discipline or the time? Do you want to start a journal, but need the accountability? We've got a course for you.

Check out our latest programs and get started today:


Top Contributors This Week:

Sam Morris, Mary Hugh, Max David, Joseph Hugh, Al K. Scott, and Scott Lee

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