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Registered Republicans Outnumber Democrats For The First Time In Kentucky History

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According to the latest tally from the state board of elections, registered Republicans outnumber Democrats for the first time in Kentucky history

Secretary of State Michael Adams, a Republican, celebrated the news in a statement, saying “the birthplace of Lincoln has finally aligned with the party of Lincoln.”

“Republican candidates must appeal beyond our base to the 55% of voters who are not Republicans”. Adams continued on to say “Republicans still don’t account for a majority of registered voters in the state, just about 45%. Democrats, Independents and members of other political parties make up the other 55%."

There are now 1,612,060 registered Republicans in Kentucky compared to 1,609,569 Democrats, giving the GOP an advantage of 2,491 voters.

Democrats dominated Kentucky politics for most of the 20th century, but Republicans have been increasingly successful at the ballot box as current liberal majorities bring in sorrowfully poor returns.




Noah Yates



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