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The U.S. Deploys Soldiers, Fighter Jets to Europe

Updated: Feb 28, 2022

“As Russia contemplates its next move, we have our next move prepared as well,” Biden said at a White House press conference Tuesday.

He continued, “I have authorized additional movements of U.S. forces and equipment already stationed in Europe to strengthen our Baltic allies, Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania.”

This sets up the possibility, should Russia continue pushing forward and invading other countries, of the U.S. fighting its first major European war since WWII.

So far, President Biden has kept his promise, which he made Monday, that, "We (the U.S.) will not send troops to Ukraine to fight."


However, the President has mobilized forces and sent them to European nations which are members of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).

Writing for Time magazine, W. J. Hennigan said, "President Joe Biden has ordered American troops, attack aircraft, and fighter jets into eastern Europe to reassure allies and deter further aggression from Moscow."



Al K. Scott

1 comment

1 Comment

Feb 28, 2022

Western Europe should have and could have prevented this. Our president should have and could have put overt pressure on them to do so. What a shame.

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