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There’s One Reason Why You are Paying More for Food, Clothing, Gas, and Other Essentials

Alexander K. Scott

Updated: Mar 30, 2022


I know, I’m breaking the rules. I’m supposed to lead you on for a few paragraphs. And the truth is, I would have, but there was no point. You know it, I know it, and Joe Biden knows…

Wait, did he just blame 40-year high inflation fueled by years of careless government spending on Vladimir Putin?

Economics 101:

$100,000 + 5 cars = $20,000/car.

$200,000 + 5 cars = $40,000/car.

Sprinkle in supply chain shortages and it’s more like 2.5 cars with $200,000 chasing them. So yeah, expect to pay a lot for your next vehicle, or for that matter, your next anything.



Joseph Hugh, Al Scott


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