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OPINION: This is How You Save America

If you take a step back and try to list all the things that are wrong with America, you might come up with a list like this: election integrity, voter suppression, corrupt politicians, too many ambiguous rules and regulations, and consequently, not enough freedom, medical care costs are too high, or even: everything costs too much! These things are real issues for most Americans, but in the end, what it really comes down to is what we do to change those things, isn’t it?

So how do we change America? That depends on whether the collective American mind is moral, honest, and generally willing to fight for the truth. It May seem simplistic, but without the selflessness that drove our founders to create this nation, we will never begin to reform it. That selflessness and commitment to truth can only be found when someone is not working for themselves, but for someone greater, for God.

Yes, the biggest issue in America is its growing secularism. Especially concerning is the rapidly increasing secularity among our youth. Last year a poll was released by the nonpartisan, nonprofit Springtide Research Institute. It showed that though many young people considered themselves spiritual, the total lack of any greater understanding of theology was found lacking when they were questioned further.


An article covering the findings of the SRI survey can be found here:


Less than 25% of those younger than 25 casually identified as "Just Christian," with less than 16% identifying as either protestant or catholic. This comes at a time when less than half of all Americans say they belong to a church, falling almost 23 points from the 70% in 1999.

This news is not surprising, but it is concerning. With these numbers, any kind of permanent political revival is unlikely. Whenever we sit home angry at the news or wishing there was more being done to stop radical leftism from destroying the fabric of society, we need to remember these numbers. They tell us much more than just the average church attendance of America, they tell us about America’s heart, its mind, and its soul.

The great American experiment of liberty and equality was not brought about by secularism, for true freedom, justice, and equality are not desirable to the secularist. They are part of the uniquely Christian belief system, the same belief system that guided our founders and is dripping off the pages of our founding documents. It is that belief in God and his objective truth that will save America, and it is the changing of hearts and minds that will get us there—nothing less.

With that, I would say our work is cut out for us.


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