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Victory! Alberta, Canada, Forced to End Vaccine Passports

- News & Opinion -

The Premier of Alberta, Canada, Jason Kenney, announced Tuesday that almost all of the COVID-19 restrictions, including the COVID-19 vaccine passport which mandated proof of vaccine prior to entry into various businesses, would end that very night at 11:59 p.m. local time, according to The Daily Wire.

This is part of a three-step plan to eliminate Covid-19 related restrictions by the end of February, reports The Daily Wire, and comes after weeks of massive protests throughout Canada against the government's response to the virus.

“Now is the time to begin learning to live with COVID,” Kenney said. “These restrictions have led to terrible division.”

As it turns out, all it took for the mighty Canadian government to restore freedom (a right that wasn't theirs to take in the first place) was for good people to stand up and make their voices heard. As Dietrich Bonhoeffer famously said, "All it takes for evil to flourish is for good men to do nothing."



Al K. Scott




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