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Why the "Omicron" Variant?

What is the Omicron Variant?

It is important to note that there is very little scientific data collected on the Omicron variant, and the data that has been collected strongly suggests that is not much different than the common coronavirus—or for that matter, the common cold.

Omicron is a variant of the so-called “novel” coronavirus that was first discovered in South Africa. It has been labelled a “variant of concern” by the WHO. But viruses mutate all the time, the common flu has many mutations, and the flu vaccine is simply a combination of vaccines for the most common variants of it.

For those accustomed with the common coronavirus, it will be easy to understand what this new variant likely is. Simply put, it is probably a slightly more transmissible variant of it that includes milder symptoms for most patients. (1) There is absolutely no evidence to suggest otherwise.



Al Scott


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1 comment

1 Σχόλιο

30 Νοε 2021

The doctor who discovered it in South Africa literally said “the symptoms are very mild.” Tucker did a great piece on this recently…these people are a joke. Won’t be long until America’s federal government slobbering Healthcare Industrial Complex starts drooling on themselves to appease CMS with the nest round of cancellations, delays, and closures….meanwhile people are being harmed by real diseases that continue to go untreated.

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