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Facebook Censorship, Missionary Hostages, Trumps New Social Media Stock-DWAC - What's News?

Updated: Nov 3, 2021


Facebook Exposed

After uprisings among traditionally quiet and laid back Republicans who had begun efforts to start a third party became more prevalent, Facebook panicked.

They left their (mostly) kept policy of only censoring content which directly violated their rules, hiding, banning, and even blocking content which spread information of the "Patriot Party."

This from a Wall Street Journal Report titled, "The Facebook Files."

Trumps New Social Media Platform & Stock

What to Know:

It might be best to wait this one out... in other words, don't buy it now. Unless, of course, you are comfortable placing your money in the hands of individual social media influencers and investors.

The stock surged for the second time Friday, closing at...


Haitian Gang Holds 17 Christians Captive, Demands Ransom

17 American and Canadian missionaries were taken captive on the 21st by a the leader of a Haitian gang who has threatened to kill them if ransom is not delivered.

"I swear that if I don't get what I want, I prefer to kill the Americans. I'll put a bullet in each of their heads," Wilson Joseph, the gang leader, said in a video on Wednesday. The video spread like wild fire on social media platforms, Thursday.

Haitian Justice Minister Liszt Quitel said earlier in the week that the group was asking for $1 million for each hostage, a total of $17 million.

The group, containing men, women, and children (one of which is an 8-month old baby) was returning from a visit to the local orphanage. The Christians belong to an Ohio based charity.



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