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Russia to Attack Ukraine at Any Time, Target Capital City

Updated: Feb 19, 2022

BREAKING NEWS - In an emergency press conference on Friday, president Biden said that the U.S. has reason to believe Russia will attack Ukraine sometime in the coming days.

"We have reason to believe that Russia as plans to invade Ukraine, and target the capital of Kyiv." the president said Friday. If the president is correct, this likely means that Russia will invade Ukraine on Monday, since it has long been understood that Russia would wait until after the Olympics to attack so as not to distract from their Chinese ally's propaganda at the Olympiad.

During the press conference, Mr. Biden referred to intelligence that indicates Russia is attempting to find some "false justification" to set up an attack on Ukraine.

Mr. Biden went on to use the recent bombings in Ukraine, which Russia says are being done by the Ukrainian military, as supporting evidence for his claims.

President Biden went on to say that there would be, "harsh consequences" should Russia invade Ukraine, but that the U.S. "will not send troops to Ukraine to fight." He also said that it was "not to late to return to the negotiating table," but that the hope of a diplomatic end to the crisis was dim.

President Biden announced that the U.S. had provided $16 million in military support, and over $500 million in economic support to Ukraine. He went on to announce that the U.S. had plans to offer an additional $1 billion of economic support in the near future.

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