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The Coastal Danger to the Second Amendment

Updated: Nov 24, 2021

by, Al K. Scott

In order to carry a firearm in New York State, you need to convince unelected officials that you have "proper cause." New York is one of six states to implement this sort of legislation (the others include: California, Hawaii, Maryland Massachusetts, and New Jersey). These states condition the right to posses a firearm on an official's discretion. This is NOT required for any other constitutional right.

What it really comes down to is the question of whether this constitutional right isn't a right anymore. Yes, the constitution acknowledges the right of an individual to keep and bear arms. But when that individual has to convince some unelected authority that he needs the gun, and than he is only allowed certain kinds of low-capacity pistols, realistically, how is that even a right?

These unconstitutional laws become even more tyrannical when a person who lives in one of these states realizes that his constitutional "right" to own a gun is almost nonexistent if he lives in any major city.

Luckily, the Supreme Court has decided to take up a case on this issue coming out of New York, we are awaiting a decision.

You may think that this is a non-issue if you live in southern or midwestern states, but just as the things that began in Europe 50 years ago are now with us in the US, what begins in the coasts always ends up making it's way inland.



Al K. Scott

Chief Editor, CEO,

The Portland Post



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