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Rand Paul’s Wife Informs the Fancy Farm Crowd that He Wants to Subpeona Fauci's Records

- Kentucky News -

Kelley Paul:

"It’s simple because the American people deserve the truth."

Kentucky Senator Rand Paul (Republican) has repeatedly gone toe to toe with Dr. Anthony Fauci over the government's COVID-19 policies and the origins of the virus that caused the global pandemic.

Kelley Paul, Rand Paul’s wife, jumped in to back her husband up by promoting his candidacy during a speech at the Fancy Farm picnic in western Kentucky.

“Now I promise you this, come November when we win, Rand Paul will subpoena every last document of Dr. Fauci’s” was the message from the Kentucky senator's wife.

Paul has promised to wage a vigorous review into the gain of function research and the origins of the virus if Republicans retake the Senate and he lands a committee chairmanship.

Kelley Paul said: “Now some people ask why me, why is Rand so hard on poor Dr. Fauci? Well, it's simple, the American people deserve the truth. We deserve the truth about the origins of a virus that killed millions of people."


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