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From a Safety Precaution to a Movement

Updated: Nov 8, 2021

- The Chronicle of the Mask -


For many, at the beginning of the Covid-19 crisis wearing a mask in and out of the grocery store was seen as a 'little much,' but 'not a bad idea.' Better safe than sorry, right?

A few short months later, wearing a mask was akin to putting on your seatbelt: a necessary safety precaution that was mandatory in any public setting.

Not Ideal, but temporarily necessary.

Reasons for Wearing a Mask:

  • It was unclear as to just how deadly the Covid-19 virus was*

  • There was little well-known evidence showing that a mask was ineffective.

  • There was little well-known evidence to show that wearing a mask was physically harmful.

  • Everyone else was doing it, so why not?

But as the months dragged on, confusing and conflicting "scientific" CDC guidelines, political power grabs, and no small amount of discomfort caused many to question the efficacy of the mask.

Many Americans' masks fell from their mouths to their chins and from their chins to into their trash cans.

The mask and its accompanying mandates were simply seen as unreasonable, unrealistic, unscientific, and downright tyrannical.

For many on the left, the discomfort and confusion were felt, but any thoughts of objection were quickly snuffed out by all the major media networks as well as many of our political leaders.

They ended up complying, and eventually contributing to a massive international trend spearheaded by the mainstream media and the leading class.

"Masks are cool," they said, it was the new normal, the new style.

To some, it sold. For many, it didn’t.

There was a great amount of concern and pushback regarding that “new normal” for the science was confusing and contradicting—as science should never be.

Sure, it's just a mask, but that’s not the point.

Many people just didn’t like the fact that their governor or even their grocery store could force them to strap a piece of cloth to their face.


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The Danger of Wearing a Mask




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