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The Success of "Top Gun: Maverick" Can Only Be Explained By One Thing


- Al Scott -

If there's anything that stands out among the 2022 movie-release frenzy, it's the wild success of "Top Gun: Maverick." A movie that shocked producers and fans with its elegant story, thundering patriotism, and staggering box office returns.

The Wall Street Journal reported that, as of early August, the "theater revival" that was spurred by summer blockbusters had a clear leader: Top Gun: Maverick, which came close to doubling the returns of its closest rival "Doctor Strange and the Multiverse of Madness," bringing in over $675,000.

With our friends over at The Journal having sorted out all the numbers for us, I think it's safe to say that the only truly clean-cut, patriotic, traditional, blockbuster this summer was Top Gun. Now all that's left to do is figure out exactly why.

My theory is simple: people like movies that they can--or at least want to--relate to.

Aliens are interesting, space is mind-boggling, superheroes are inspiring, and if the last decade has taught us anything, colorful, animated creatures make big bucks. But I think that if a movie is well made, with a solid budget, an intriguing plot, and strong characters, it can break from these principles which have swallowed the attention of almost all major producers to bring about a resurgence of realism in the theater.

The success of Maverick proves my point. Patriotism is something to be proud of, not hidden behind a jacket, but right on the front of its back.

Individualism and determination are championed while commitment and loyalty are key factors in the film. And if we were not to attribute much of the film's success to its glaring lack of "wokeness" we would be fools.

I guess you could chalk it up to the fact that although the beautifully crafted plot is fictitious, the characters are just ordinary men and women, and even in their dull humanity, they shine, and in this film, you might even say they fly.

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Al K. Scott, Editor in Chief

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