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This Will Change the Way You View the News

Updated: May 12, 2022

So Rare…

In today’s America, unbiased, hard-hitting journalism is a rarity, and even rarer still is journalism that is designed to help the reader better understand what’s happening in the world around them.

Don’t Trust Them!

You certainly cannot trust that that’s what you’re getting from the mainstream media, and even though many of the conservative alternatives are much better, many of them fall into the trap of repeating the same talking points and hyping up unimportant news to keep a following.

Are You Sick of the Spinning?

If you are sick of the propaganda, sick of the repeated narratives, sick of the spin, you’re not alone.

What if there was a news outlet that brought you coverage and commentary on the most important phenomena of our day but did it clearly, consistently, and in a way that was designed to help you better understand the news, not to just overload you with information?

The Good News:

Well, the good news is that there is, and you are reading the good news right now.

Unlike any other...

Here at The Portland Post, we are unlike any other news site in that we have an uncompromising commitment to objective, real truth that guides us in our approach to journalism and opinion. This objectivity is grounded in the truth of Sola Scriptura, or scripture alone.

Hard Hitting, Refreshing,

and Unapologetically Conservative

Our news is just the news. We try to keep it as simple as possible, and whenever we can, we tie it into other news to help the reader get a better picture of the bigger story.

Our commentary is hard-hitting, refreshing, and unapologetically conservative commentary grounded in a Biblical worldview. And it is designed to help you understand the news and use your knowledge of it to your advantage. Whether that has to do with the culture war or the stock market, or sharing your voice through an optimized open forum, The Portland Post has you covered.

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Our Long-Term Goal?

To become the leading voice of Christian, conservative values in America.

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Al K. Scott,

Editor in Chief of The Portland Post



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