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TOP 10: Christian Podcasts

Alexander K. Scott

- Review - Top 10 -

If you are a Christian and have been listening to Christian podcasts for a long time (almost a given if you are a Christian) then you are probably aware that there is a lot of really good listening material out there, too much, in fact, to listen to all of it. Tricky as it may be, that is why I have decided to kick my new column, Top 10, off with a review of the best Christian Podcasts. Not because I thought it would be easy, or because my review would be free of error (I am sure I'm going to leave out some truly great podcasts), but because I thought it would best serve my audience. This review is designed to sort out the great from the good, the everyday listens from the occasional check-outs, the wheat from the chaff--if you will.

#10 Honorable Mentions

The World and Everything in It

A Podcast produced by World magazine that brilliantly combines a Christian worldview, culture, entertainment, and the news into an entertaining and timely daily podcast. Listen now:

Thinking in Public

Cheers to Albert Mohler, the king of the Christian podcast, for making the list twice. He brings his seasoned knowledge of history, conservatism, theology, and books to the table as he interviews the authors of the world's most influential books and ideas. Listen now:

What Have You

One of the reasons why reviewing Christian podcasts is such a difficult task is because different podcasts serve different audiences, and that is certainly the case with Bekah Merkle and Rachel Jankovic's podcast, What Have You, the premier podcast for Christian Moms. Listen now:

#9 Real Christianity - Dale Partridge

Every week, Dale Partridge offers reformed, Christian answers to difficult Biblical questions. You can listen to this podcast like an exegetical, weekly study--it's structured like one--or you can look to it as a high-flying, clear-cut way to understand Biblically Reformed Christian theology.

#8 Ask Ligonier - N.W. Bingham + Guest

Ever since Dr. R.C. Sproul founded Ligonier Ministries in Ligonier Valley Pennsylvania, one of Ligonier's strong suits was its "Ask R.C." events. A time when any Christian could ask any question about the Bible or Theology. Ligonier has looked to expand this ministry of question answering through their Q&A events with skilled pastors and theologians. One of the many ways they do this is through their brief Ask Ligonier podcast. For more Q&A resources, visit

#7 The Plodcast - Dauglas Wilson

In the Plodcast, pastor Douglas Wilson covers anything related to theology and culture with his usual entertaining style. Whether it involves talking about Chestertonian Calvinism (not an oxymoron), the benefits of a Classical Christian education (not in that order), or the latest pomosexuality farce, the plodcast aims to apply all of Christ to all of life, for all the world.

#6 The Dividing Line - James White

In-depth conversations about the Bible, theology, and the most important issues and controversies in the culture and the church. Dr. James White's knowledge as a theologian, debater, author, pastor, and speaker is apparent as he breaks down complex issues in the bite-sized explanations--spread out over his lengthy podcast: The Dividing Line.

Click the link to listen:

#5 Grace to You - John MacArthur

You cannot discuss the preaching landscape in America without mentioning titans such as John MacArthur. A man whose preaching has influenced the West coast for half a century, his podcast Grace to You brings thoughtful, informed, Christ-exalting, grace-filled messages to the ears of its listeners.

#4 Five Minutes in Church History - Stephen Nichols

Travel back in time with Stephen Nichols to look at the people, events, and places that have shaped the story of Christianity. This podcast offers an accessible glimpse into how God has worked in the church and how this can encourage us today.

#3 From the Pulpit - Steven J. Lawson

From the pulpit of America's finest preacher, a modern-day Charles Spurgeon, comes From the Pulpit with Steven J. Lawson. Bold, fiery, passionate, Bible-packed expositions centered on Christ and his glory, these sermons are sure to bless you and yours.

#2 The Briefing - Albert Mohler

From the mouth of a man who reads 7-10 books a week, comes The Briefing: a brilliant, refreshing, informative combination of Gospel, Theology, culture, and news analysis. Albert Mohler truly flies by his competitors--though he hardly sees them as such--with his commitment to consistency, conservatism, and the Gospel truth.

#1 Renewing Your Mind - R.C. Sproul & Guests

The solid, Biblical teaching of R.C. Sproul is paralleled only by the greatest preachers--many of whom he taught--in modern American Christianity. Naturally, the faithful, informative, teaching & preaching found in the late R.C. Sprouls podcast Renewing Your Mind--a platform occasionally shared by Ligonier teaching fellows--is some of the best a single Christian podcast could offer. It will, in fact, renew your mind.

This is Top 10: an exclusive review by The Portland Post of the top 10 of any set of content or resources. This review was conducted by Al Scott: Don't agree with my list? Love my list? Share your thoughts in the comments below or write me at


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Jul 30, 2022

Fighting for the Faith

Alexander K. Scott
Alexander K. Scott
Jul 30, 2022
Replying to

Yes, good one!!! I’ve listened to a few episodes. I could have made a list of top 50 much easier, here, with only 10 slots, you’re more limited.


Jul 09, 2022

Thanks for this list. We will Tweet it to @iVoteAmeria.

Alexander K. Scott
Alexander K. Scott
Jul 10, 2022
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Glad You liked it! Thaks for the RT

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