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Uncovered Research Shows Facebook is Harmful to Your Productivity & Mental Health

Updated: Feb 7, 2022


Source: March 2020 internal Facebook report titled: 'Problematic Use of Facebook: User Journey, Personas & Opportunity Mapping'

According to the Facebook report, 1 in 8 of its users report having an unhealthy and "compulsive" use of Facebook that negatively impacts their sleep, work, parenting, relationships, and overall mental health.

These numbers are worse than any other major social media network, though experts in the field suspect that many of these platforms (e.g. Twitter and Instagram) have the same issues.

The Facebook researchers said that users 'lack control over the time they spend on Facebook and have problems in their lives as a result.'

Internal documents suggest that over 350 million Facebook users (12.5%) have difficulty managing the time that they spend on the app.

Internal documents suggest that over 350 million Facebook users (12.5%) have difficulty managing the time that they spend on the app.

Of course, the report showed that users experienced problems including productivity loss due to pop-up notifications, a great loss of sleep, and even harmed personal relationships.

The researchers also discovered that many parents are neglecting their duties due to internet addiction closely related to Facebook.

According to research* conducted by The Portland Post, the harm done by Facebook goes much farther than just productivity loss or even parental neglect.

The negative impact made the social media platform Facebook commonly includes deep, unexplainable depression, and even total disconnect from real-life personal interaction among its most devoted users.

“I’m on Facebook every day, every moment. Literally, every moment; just not when I’m in the shower,”

This research is backed by sources such as the Wall Street Journal's massive report titled, "The Facebook Files" as well as internal Facebook research.

One woman being interviewed by Facebook put it this way, “I’m on Facebook every day, every moment. Literally, every moment; just not when I’m in the shower,” the twenty-two-year-old told Facebook, “I lose the notion of time.”

This information is coming to light amid Facebook's rebranding as the social media giant, "Meta Platforms Inc."

Meta Platforms will act as the head company for all of the social platforms currently owned by Facebook including Instagram and WhatsApp.



Alexander Kniprath

*Some of this research was conducted locally and does not necessarily represent the entire US population.

1 comment

1 Comment

Alexander K. Scott
Alexander K. Scott
Nov 10, 2021

This issue is more important than many realize... or is it?

No, I think many realize it.

Many people who read this article will be instantly convicted of time they spend on social media, and the ways it negatively impacts their lives.

Thank you, #ThePortlandPost

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