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"Where Are All the Women?" - Data Shows The Culture In Progressive Nose Dive

Updated: Aug 22, 2022

In an article published in World Opinions, world-renown broadcaster, theologian, college president, and speaker R. Albert Mohler brought attention to the fact that the word "woman" was disappearing from the public square.

"Where are all the women?" Mr. Mohler inquired, before calling out that is not that they are non-existent, but that the "tortured logic" of the trans movement has made the name "woman" slowly disappear from almost every progressive-leaning facet of culture.

"Now, they are increasingly about “pregnant people.” Now, all women are people, but not all people are women. Evidently, people who are not women can now be “pregnant people” and, brace yourselves, even “chest feeders.”" Mohler continued.

This work and others like it continue to come as The Daily Wire's recent production, "What is a Woman," draws massive media attention.



Sam Morris, Joseph Hugh



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